White flower of hope is tulip

Today is tomorrow's history. A creative meeting called "White flower of hope is tulip" was held in the school library. The guest of the evening is a graduate of our school, journalist, young writer, author of the book "Baysheshek/ Tulip" Bakhtiyarkyzy Zhamilya.

It is a joy to be a teacher, and it is twice as happy to see the success of a student. After 10 years, Zhamilya, the heroine of a peaceful day, reunited with her school and teachers. This was the day when the teacher's worries disappeared and tears of joy were shed after seeing the success of its student.The reason is that at the age of ten, Jamilya suffered from a rare disease, she fought with a serious disease for many years and overcame it with strong faith. She achieved her childhood dream and reached the goal.She graduated from school with "AltynBelgi" and mastered the profession of a journalist. Jamilya's pen was blown away by the great upheavals. She wrote the book "Baysheshek". Although the book has been published for a short time, it has captured the heart of the readers. This book, which has a lot to offer, awakened the enthusiasm of human beings for life and made them understand the value of a breath of air and a drop of water.

At the creative evening, schoolchildren excitedly conveyed their impressions of the book, during the evening they asked the guest lots of questions and gave their wishes.
The teachers who taught Jamiyalya shared vivid memories, expressed their wishes with joy for the success of their student, and were happy about the improvement of Jamilya’s health and had tears in their eyes.

The representative of the "Grandmothers" school, the parent of our school, grandmother Kulyash, also participated in the creative meeting and blessed Jamilya.

Senate deputy Galiaskar Tolendiuly Sarybayev and Zhamilya's father Onerbayev Bakhtiyar Altayuly attended the spiritual evening.
Jamilya answered each question impressively, told the story of the tune "Erkesylkym", played the tune with the tambourine, recited poems from the heart, and received the warm approval of the audience.

At the end of the evening, the students took a photo and took an autograph from the author.
Good luck with your pen, Jamilya! Looking forward to your second book! We are proud of you. May you have many achievement and success!